What to Expect

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When your child begins ABA therapy at Judson Center you can expect:

Individualized treatment plan designed to fit your family’s unique needs
Support for your child to work on skills like:
  • Communication Skills
  • Social Skills
  • Functional Play Skills
  • Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
  • Coping & Tolerance
  • Decreasing challenging behavior
Generalization of learned behaviors to the home, school, and community settings
Collaboration with your child’s school through communication, observation, and attendance at IEP meetings
Collaboration with your child’s medical and behavioral health professionals, and other ancillary service providers like Speech & Occupational Therapy
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the processs works

Step 1:

Intake Paperwork

The first step in beginning services in Autism Connections is to complete our intake packet.

Initial Assessment

This is where the client and their family would come to the center to be assessed. This includes a parent interview portion and a testing portion in which the staff will spend time face to face with the child to directly test their skill set. The purpose of this is to get background information about the child’s medical and behavioral history and learn about what goals the family would like to work on. This information is what the team uses to create an individualized treatment and behavior plan specifically for that child.

  • It takes up to two weeks for the clinician to write up the treatment plan and get the required signatures for consent, and to submit the request to the insurance company. It then takes up to 14 days from the time the request is sent to insurance for them to review and process it and provide us with the requested authorization. This means the family can anticipate a start in ABA services approximately 4-6 weeks from the assessment date. Of course, this is assuming that we have an identified staff to work with the child.

Step 2:

Begin ABA and Support Services

Step 3:

During Services:

  1. The child will attend ABA services at their clinically recommended schedule, which could be anywhere between 15-40 hours per week based on their unique needs.

  2. The child will be directly supervised by their Behavior Analyst a minimum of 10% of their scheduled weekly hours.

  3. The family can expect to participate in parent training as frequently as every week, or minimally once per month. The frequency is determined during the initial assessment based on the child’s treatment plan and the goals the family and their BCBA agreed on.

  4. Meeting By Objectives occur monthly. This is a meeting in which the child’s BCBA and Lead Behavior Technician thoroughly review data for all treatment goals to evaluate progress and make any necessary changes to the child’s plan.

Step 4:


Every six months, the BCBA conducts a formalized skills assessment to determine progress made during treatment. This is utilized to inform the child’s updated treatment plan for the next 6-month period.

Step 5:


When a child meets transition/discharge criteria (each child’s treatment plan has a specific and unique transition/discharge plan), this means they no longer require intensive ABA services. However, we offer a ‘Consult’ ABA case, in which we continue to provide weekly parent trainings to ensure the child has a successful transition out of intensive ABA. Behavior Consults are offered as a supportive serve to parents, providing them the tools and plan to continue their child’s success at home, at school, and in the community. Click HERE to learn more about how our Behavioral Consults help children when they complete ABA.

Autism Connections

Service Locations

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Let's Get Started!

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