Disability Employment Resources

Living as an individual with a disability comes with its fair share of challenges. The last thing you or your loved one should have to deal with is a frustrating process and confusing resources that complicate getting the support you need. So, whether you’re seeking employment, curious about available resources, or wondering how to secure a referral to Judson Center, our Vocational Services team is here to provide you with quick answers to the most asked questions about disability employment resources.

Resources to help find employment when you have a disability

1. How can Judson Center Vocational Services help me or my loved one?

We believe that every person has a contribution to make. For over 30 years, we’ve helped individuals with disabilities find independence and fulfillment through our community-based skill-building and supported employment programs. Our compassionate and caring team can help train and support you or your loved one to gain new skills and find meaningful employment.

If you’re looking for support outside of employment and skill-building, you can find Community Living Supports by visiting the Oakland County Community Health Network ACCESS page or the Wayne County Community Health Network ACCESS page.

2. How do I get a referral for services with Judson Center?

Participating in Judson Center’s Vocational Services Program requires a referral from Community Mental Health (CMH) or Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS). The source you seek a referral from depends on the level and type of support you or your loved one need.

  • Employment Services: Anyone with a disability who is looking to secure employment in the community should contact Michigan Rehabilitation Services to secure a referral for support from Judson Center. No CMH case is required to do so.
  • Skill-Building: Anyone with a disability who is looking to receive skill-building training and support should seek a referral from their case manager or supports coordinator through Community Mental Health. Judson Center can receive referrals from Oakland County Health Network (OCHN) or Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network (DWIHN) based on the county of residence. If someone lives outside of Oakland or Wayne County, support can be accessed by contacting the local community mental health.
3. What happens after the referral from either CMH or MRS?

Once you have received a referral from either Community Mental Health or Michigan Rehabilitation Services, a Judson Center staff member will contact you to arrange a meeting with the client and/or their caregiver. At this meeting, our team will explain what kind of services can be offered and discuss the next steps for Employment or Skill Building Services.

4. How does employment affect my Social Security benefits?

Being employed and earning income has the potential to impact the type of benefits you may be receiving from Social Security. It’s important to be aware of this before entering our program. To receive benefits counseling for yourself or your loved one, consider contacting the United Cerebral Palsy Foundation. They provide free benefits counseling for individuals with any disability who need assistance in understanding their benefits. Their benefits counseling helps Social Security beneficiaries make more informed decisions about starting or returning to work, and how those decisions can affect the benefits they receive.

You can also use the Michigan Disability Benefits Calculator to help dispel the myths of how earning a paycheck will affect the benefits you currently receive. You can also find other resources that will allow you to get ideas on what to do with the money you will earn.

5. What else can I do to cover needs not met by insurance?

If you or your loved one have needs associated with a disability that are not covered by insurance benefits, there are options to help ease the financial strain. One helpful resource is called MiABLE, a saving program for those with a disability. The Michigan Able Act was signed in 2015 and authorized states to establish tax-advantaged savings programs for individuals with disabilities. The goal is to assist individuals and families in saving funds that help those with disabilities maintain independence and quality of life without jeopardizing the other benefits they may receive. MiABLE accounts function similarly to a savings account for college or an employer’s Flexible Spending Account (FSA). MiABLE dollars can be used to pay for copays, equipment, transportation, and other costs connected to having a disability.

6. Who can I contact with additional questions about your Disability Employment Services?

For more information, please contact Jenipher Guerin, Clinical Services Manager, Vocational Services at [email protected] or 248 837-2079. We look forward to serving you or your loved one in the future!