Privacy Policy
Judson Center’s Privacy Policy is to inform you about the types of information we might collect about you when you visit our website and social media platforms, how we may use that information and whether we disclose that information to anyone.
The information we collect and how we use it
Any information we collect on our website generally falls into the personally identifiable information category. Personally Identifiable Information refers to information that lets us know specifically who you are. In general, you can visit our website without telling us who you are or revealing any personally identifiable information.
When you make a donation or purchase event tickets/sponsorships online, we collect personally identifiable information, such as name, address, billing information and other transaction information, if needed). We use this information to process your donation and/or payment, as well as communicate with you about the status of your online transaction. Credit card information submitted is used only for payment processing and is not retained on our website.
Sharing your information
Except as disclosed in this Privacy Policy, we do not sell, trade, or otherwise retransmit any personally identifiable information we collect online unless we have your permission. Any personally identifiable information you provide to us, will be used for your donations and retained in hard copy form of the original invoice as well as within our database system, which generates our financial transactions and associated electronic records.
Judson Center may be required to provide personally identifiable information in response to court order, subpoena, or government investigation. We also reserve the right to report to law enforcement agencies any activities that we in good faith believe to be unlawful. We may release personally identifiable informationwhen we believe that such release is reasonably necessary to enforce or apply our Limited Warranty or to protect the rights, property, and safety of others and ourselves.
Links to other websites, including Social Media
Links to third-party websites may be provided solely for your information and convenience, or to provide additional information for various services. If you use these links, you will leave our website. This Privacy Policy does not cover the information practices of those websites linked to
Changes to this statement
Any updates or changes to the terms of this Privacy Policy will be posted online with the revised date.
Contact us
If you have any concerns about our use of your information or about this Privacy Policy, please send an e-mail to . We will make every reasonable effort to address your concerns and remedy any problems you bring to our attention. By using our Site, you acknowledge acceptance of this Privacy Policy in effect at the time of use. Judson Center’s Privacy Policy was last revised on March 1, 2017.
The Judson Center’s Privacy / HIPAA Statement
Your right to privacy is valued at Judson Center. We respect that right and follow the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) laws and the Mental Health Code regarding your right to privacy. The following information describes how health and service information about you/your child may be used and disclosed and how you can access this information.
Judson Center’s Commitment to You:
We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting confidential information about you or your child. Confidential information is often referred to as protected health information (PHI) and includes any information that identifies the consumer, his/her physical health, mental health or condition or services received. Only people who have both the need and the legal right will have permission to review your protected health information. Unless permission is provided in writing, Judson Center will only disclose protected health informationwhen required for treatment, payment processes, other business operations or when we are required to do so by law.
You have the following rights regarding the health/treatment information that we have about you or your child:
Right to Inspect and Review
You have the right to inspect and request a copy of your or your child’s protected health information. If you do request a copy of your record, you may be charged a small fee. We require requests to inspect/copy PHI to be submitted in writing. We will respond within 45 calendar days of receiving the request.
Right to Amend
You have the right to request an amendment or submit corrections to your protected health information. We will respond within 60 days of receiving the request.
Right to Request Restrictions on the Use of Disclosures
You have the right to ask that we limit how we use or disclose your protected health information. We will consider your request, but are not legally bound to agree to the restriction.
Uses and Disclosures Not Requiring Consent or Authorization
As required by law, Judson Center will release information when required to do so. Examples include; response to requests from law enforcement personnel, government employees addressing issues of national security or employees from other government entities. We may be required to release information that is subpoenaed or otherwise ordered by the courts. We may be required to release information in order to comply with mandatory reporting of communicable diseases suspected abuse and/or neglect occurrences. We may also be required to release information in response to criminal investigations or if a government agency is averting a serious threat to the health or safety of community members.
With Your Permission
If you provide Judson Center permission in writing, we may use/disclose your or your child’s protected health information. If you give us permission, you have the right to revoke the disclosure at any time in writing. However, we are unable to prevent any previous uses and/or disclosures that were made with your prior permission.
Right to Receive Confidential Communications
You have the right to receive information from Judson Center in the manner you prefer. Unless you provide us with alternative instructions, we may send appointment reminders, treatment and service information along with other agency information to your home. You must provide instruction to Judson Center if you prefer an alternative communication. (IE: Post Office Box, E-Mail)
Fund Development (Fundraising):
Unless you tell us otherwise, as part of our ongoing operations and mission, Judson Center may contact you regarding fundraising opportunities and events.
Changes to the Notice
We are required by law to comply with changes in HIPAA, therefore we reserve the right to revise our notices as needed.
How to use your rights under this notice
If you believe your or your child’s privacy rights have been violated, you may file a complaint with Judson center or with the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
If you have questions or to file a complaint, please contact:
Susan Salhaney, Chief Operating Officer or George Winn, Chief Strategy Officer
Judson Center Administrative Offices
30301 Northwestern Highway, Suite 100
Farmington Hills, MI 48334
Telephone: 248.549.4339
Emails: [email protected]; [email protected]