Routine Appointments and Autism

Routine Appointments Are Not Routine for Young People with Autism Many of us may not like to go to the dentist or the doctor, but we go and for the…

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Disability Employment Resources

Living as an individual with a disability comes with its fair share of challenges. The last thing you or your loved one should have to deal with is a frustrating…

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Disability Employment Resources

Living as an individual with a disability comes with its fair share of challenges. The last thing you or your loved one should have to deal with is a frustrating…

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Jeremiah’s Journey from Silence

Finding his voice through Judson Center’s Autism Connections The Mayberry home in Ypsilanti is a busy place, with four children all under six years of age. The boys’ father, Corderril,…

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An Adoption Adventure

The Missing Links Tristan wants to write a book. While his story isn’t one of flying superheroes or sci-fi battles, it’s still packed with adventure. It’s a story of moving…

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